Anello Bouquet Rosetta

Anello Bouquet Rosetta

Anello Nudo Petit Quarzo Rosa, Calcedonio e Diamanti Brown

3.000,00 €

Please contact us by WhatsApp at +39 3316471482 to check the availability and price of the jewel you are evaluating

Contact us:
Purchase by Whatsapp: +39 3316471482
Una combinazione senza precedenti: i colori vibranti del quarzo rosa e del calcedonio celebrano l’unicità della donna. Le delicate tonalità del quarzo rosa, unite al calcedonio, brillano con audacia milanese. Anello oro rosa e bianco 18K, 36 diamanti brown 0.5 ct, Calcedonio e Quarzo Rosa.
Maggiori Informazioni
Price 3.000,00 €
Packaging Official of the brand
Gender Donna
Materials Pink gold 18Kt
Stones Pink quartz
Delivery 48h
Brand Pomellato
Shipping Times Cost
DHL worldwide delivery (Monday-Friday).
Delivery in 5 business days free shipping for orders over 100€
15€ for orders less than 100€
Delivery times begin one business day after the order is placed. * If not available in these times it is highlighted in the product sheet under "Availability".
Working days are from Monday to Friday.
For Basilicata, Campania, Calabria, Puglia and the islands, delivery may take an additional day.
Due to the Covid-19 emergency, deliveries may be delayed.
Delivery times for abroad may be longer.
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